Garden Time!

 School is finally over. Now it's time to work in the studio again, and do some gardening The rain has caused the garden to turn into a jungle.  I shouldn't  complain it has taken me 3+ years to get the garden to fill in and take care of itself.  I was always jealous of the other gardeners who would ask me if I wanted some plants because theirs were "just so overgrown".  Well now I have given away a few plants myself.   I just really want my Mums to take I thought this was going to be the big year but I only got two.  They  were beautiful, maybe next year.  

I have definitely learned so much from my neighbors.  I will never remember all the names but as long as I can draw it or write it down I am all set.  I went to Allendale Farms the other day and I brought a piece of one of my favorite plants /flowers.  It is called Lantana yes, I know this to be true and its the ONLY one.  Anyway, my go to gardener at the farm said with excitement in her voice but in a freaky kind of way "where did you get this??!!?" I told her I dug it up out of the garden and out it on my back porch which is closed in but has windows on three sides so I make it my green house for the winter ( along with the bugs and worms) yuck.  She said this plant does not grow or bloom for another month!  How did you do that and it survived?  Yes , I was surprised too it survived me?  So I left with some Pansies like everyone else and of course like every year when it does come in I miss my 4 day opportunity to get it because its already sold out. 

 So I have been nursing the same two plants for a few years.  They almost die by about April then they make a slight come back by May and I get them back in the ground and so it goes on........But we have come a long, long, way from the bachelor pad/ Pit Bull breeding "yard"?/ shed for motorcycle that is seen better days. To a nice little average Jamaica Plain house with kitschy things and yard sale finds or garbage.....and when I am out front water on a nice summer nights I get surprised when the neighbors that are out for a walk come by and say just two words to me.  Thank You. 
Was it really that bad.....I can't remember anymore.  

Before and afters anyone?

Hopefully it only gets more colorful and wild.......


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